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Creating the strategic brand ‘driver’ for the entire Organization

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Aftab Alam

Abstract: Corporate Branding is the practice of using a company as a product brand name. It is an attempt to use the capital corporate brand to create brand awareness. It is a kind of brand or brand family. Disney, for example the word “Disney” in the order contains multiple products; other examples: IBM and Heinz. This strategy is in contrast to the labeling of the individual products, where each product has a unique name, and the name is not promoted to the consumer. The idea of “brand” and the practices of “branding” to develop the two of important bandied and un-understood condition today in business dictionary. Not from me you say? And consider about it. Here we have two small tests for your knowledge. Keywords: Strategic brand, driver, Organization.

Investigations on Serum Lipid Profile in Patients With Urinary Tract Infections

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Nnodim Johnkennedy*, Obi Patrick Chinedu, Nwacha Richard, Ihim Augustine Chinedu Osuoha Chinyere, and Edward Ukamaka

Abstract: To determine the effect of urinary tract infections On serum lipid profile(Total cholesterol, Triglyceride, High density lipoprotein and Low density lipoprotein) Materials and methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted involving 130 patients with urinary tract infections attending General Hospital Owerri and 130 healthy individuals as controls. Both groups are within the age of 45 to 60years. The serum lipid profile was measured in all subjects. The statistical analysis was done using student t-test at P Keywords: Urinary tract infection, Lipid profile.

Allelopathic potential of Ziziphus nummularia against Vigna radiata and Brassica campestris seeds

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Sumaira Shah*, Lal Badshah, Siraj-ud-Din and RehmanUllah

Abstract: The phytotoxic potential of leaf, bark and fruit of Ziziphus nummularia (Rhamnaceae) was assessed against Vigna radiata and Brassica campestris seeds. The aqueous fraction of ethanol extract and aqueous extracts of various parts were observed to have significant inhibitory effect on germination rate and seedling growth parameters of both test species. On overall basis, ethanolic extract was more inhibitory than aqueous one. The effect was observed to be dose dependent. Bark of Z. nummularia was comparatively inhibitory than other parts. The fruit was found to be growth promoter at minimum dose while inhibitory at higher doses (1000 ppm). Keywords: Allelopathy of Z. nummularia, Vigna radiate, Brassica campestris seeds.

The consequences of Rice Technology on Rural Women: The Case of Iran

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Ali Asadollahpour*, Amirhossein Pirmoradi and Samire Sey Mohammadi

Abstract: Determinants of adoption of new technology among rice producers in Mazandaran provinces and study of the impact of these technologies on women are the main objectives of this paper. Diffusion of rice technology in rural areas has different consequences. Reduction of women involvement in rice production is one of the possible consequences of adoption of new rice technologies. A two stages cluster sampling technique was used to collect data for this study. Forty villages were randomly selected. Three hundred female family labor and 220 female-hired labor were randomly selected at the second stage of sampling for interview. Findings showed a positive correlation between technology adoption and amount of female family labor activities in seed disinfection and seed selection. There was a negative correlation between technology adoption and female family labor activities in transplanting stage. Female hired labor activities in transplanting had a negative correlation with technology adoption. Mechanical technology adoption reduced women activities in transplanting and harvesting stage and, as a result, decreased women’s income. Finally recommendations in relation to adoption and consequences of technologies are introduced. Keywords: Rice, Rural Women, Iran.

Study on Differences in Some New Mustard Brassica campestris L. Genotypes for Having Resistance and Susceptibility Feedback Infected with Aphid Myzus persicae (Sulzer) (Homoptera: Aphididae)

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Muhammad Sarwar

Abstract: Brassica crops are the most diversified and largest oilseeds produced by Pakistan and other countries of the world. Different species of aphids are the most devasting pests of Brassica campestris L., due to sucking of cell sap from leaves, stem, flowers and pods by both nymphs and adults insect. Study was conducted to examine resistance and susceptibility of eighteen B. campestris genotypes based on population density of aphids and grain yield under the same field environmental factors. The treatments were laid out in randomized complete block design in thrice replications. The trial was propagated as per the recommendations of agriculture and kept unsprayed. The most serious problematic insect pest at study site causing severe crop infestation was aphid Myzus persicae (Sulzer) (Homoptera: Aphididae) throughout the season. All genotypes had shown different levels of resistance and susceptibility to variable level of aphid infestation. High yielding genotypes were found comparatively more tolerant to aphids, whereas, severely damaged had given less produce. The genotypes NM-1, NM-2 and NM-3 were comparatively completely resistant with no population of aphids, showed the highest yield potential and did not differ significantly from one another. The genotypes DLJ-3, Chaliate and E-9 showed susceptible response and appeared comparatively the lowest yielding. Resistant genotypes can be grown as a component of an integrated pest management strategy for protecting the B. campestris crop from aphid infestation to reduce the use of expensive, toxic and environmentally damaging pesticides. Keywords: Aphids Management, Brassica campestris, Myzus persicae, Tolerance, Pest.